Henry is still all over the place and into everything. He is standing without holding on more each day and continues to take steps on his own. He is only up to 4 consecutive steps without assistance, so far. He has the skill, now he's working the confidence. He has both bottom teeth now, and working on the top. Henry's favorite things include: peek-a-boo, playing with water, turning things on/off, putting things in/taking things out, dancing/listening to music, pushing anything that moves, around the room, and eating ;). He has started to become a lot more affectionate (this is huge, because we were having a hard time getting him to sit still long enough for any snuggles). He gives great, loving, purposeful hugs. We will drop whatever we're doing for a love from our boy. Can't believe it's almost been a year. It feels like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. Love, love, love our Henry and couldn't ask for anything better.