Saturday, April 30, 2011

First Plane Ride

This was how he greated everyone we came in contact with.
 Bright eyes, followed by a great big smile.

He has started to show a lot of interest in all of his toys.
They were put to good use on this flight.

Everything goes straight in the mouth these days.

After 11 hours of travel, we finally made it to Florida
Well... it's official, Henry's an angel. We took him on his first plane ride(s) across the country and he loved every minute of it. He smiled, played, ate, and slept. 11 hours of travel, 3 flights, 2 delays and he never fussed once. We had such a long, grueling day and it didn't even phase him. We couldn't have asked for a better travel experience with our Henry.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4 month appointment (1 week early)

Getting some tummy time before his exam...
Henry continues to grow at an incredible rate. He is still topping the charts with a weight of 17lbs 14ounces, and length of 26 3/4 inches. He is such a strong little man. He stands really well with support and is working really hard on sitting up on his own. We are so proud and feel truely blessed. He continues to amaze me everyday.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Just woke up from my easter nap...

Aren't I handsome in my Sunday best


Love <3

So fun!

He got a little hungry while on daddy's head. He grabbed on tight and started to eat his hair :).
Cutest Easter Bunny ever! The ears were unfortunately pink, so we made the photo black and white for daddy =)
We had a wonderful Easter at Grammy's. Lot's of fun family time. Henry's first major holiday was a success.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Auntie Liss & Cousin Gabe

This is what Henry did the whole time we walked around sellwood and went to the park. He missed out, but he had a great nap.

Poppy and his grandsons

The boys and their footie jammies
Auntie Liss and cousin Gabe came into town again and we enjoyed every minute of it. Gabe is so good with "baby 'enry". He is so inquisitive and has a general interest in his little (big...) cousin. I'm so excited for Henry to be old enough that they can play. Hopefully Gabe will show him the ropes ;)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Trip to The Zoo

This was taken during the approx. 45 minutes he was awake while there. It is still debatable as to whether he wasn't asleep behind those shades.

This is what he spent the next 2 hours doing... zzzzzzzzz

Nana's eyes are closed, but my computer wouldn't let me download the other picture.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Uncle Jim & Auntie Mandy

Auntie Mandy and Uncle Jim

The Woodruff Men

Henry and the girls

Grandma and the babes

With Uncle Jim and Auntie Mandy in town we decided to take the opportunity for a family photo shoot. Henry didn't fuss until the end, but he unfortunately didn't smile for the camera either. He was pretty much indifferent about the photo shoot. It was really nice to see Jim and Amanda. We hope they come back soon and we get to see even more of them (hint hint ;))

Monday, April 4, 2011

3 months old!

He's about ready to give his elephant a 'noogie'

And then bite his ear

So happy and alert...

So precious..

Another month has gone by and I can't believe it. I love that he changes so much everyday, I just wish I could slow time. He's starting to talk more often and a lot louder. He gets stronger everyday. He is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. I just  love watching him grow.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm so cute!

So excited to hang out with Kristen

Working on my tummy time.

This is how I play basketball with daddy

So serious at bedtime

Love those eyes...
Just some random photos of my handsome little man =)