Sunday, January 6, 2013

Birthday Party

Pre party- Nana helped me gather all sorts of tractor decorations,
and even made Mr. H a fabulous cake.

What a party! I didn't quite realize how many of our friends have kids until now. We are so blessed to have so many great families in our lives. Our place was packed with a gaggle of little kids.  It was so much fun to watch them all run around (I'm sure also a little overwhelming for some of the guests). Birthday parties are so much fun =).

Friday, January 4, 2013

Henry is 2 years old... WHAT!?!

He got a bike for his birthday.
As you can tell by the lack of light outside, our boy is an early riser.
More often than not we are up before the sun comes up.
Granted, it's winter, so the sun doesn't come up until ~730.

We spent his actual birthday at the fire station.
He had so much fun that he now asks to go almost everyday.

Best Buds!

My little man is 2!!! I can hardly believe it. I feel like he turned 2 and knew it. He talks and acts like such a big boy. He tells me all about everything he sees and everything he does (in detail). Its amazing how much he has grown in the last couple of months, physically and mentally. He has such a extensive grasp on what is going on around him (we better watch out what we do and say).
He grows out of his clothes every couple of weeks. I keep waiting for him to slow down, but it doesn't happen. He is 39lbs and 39in (115 percentile). He is a big boy in every sense of the word.
I love his little personality. He loves to be "funny" and "silly". He loves to play toys, read stories, play trains and cars, go "running" and walking, play basketball and on the playground, and most of all play outside (which is difficult considering its January). He is rarely cranky and super fun to be around. He can be a little sassy       vk