Sunday, March 31, 2013


Decorating the eggs


The COOLER hunt in HR


What easter would be complete without a ride on a big machine?

The Woodruffs

What a beautiful easter!
 Such a fun easter weekend! It was sunny, fun, and relaxing. Summer is just around the corner :).

Sunday, March 10, 2013


We purchased a ZOO membership last fall and were gifted an OMSI membership this winter. I don't think we will ever be bored again. We can't get enough of these places. There is so much to see and learn. I love it just as much as my 2 year old.

The tractor used to be his favorite thing at the zoo. It has been replaced by the Jeep. Boys and their vehicles...

Monday, March 4, 2013

More time with BIG cousin Gabe

Despite the 2 year age difference, these boys get along so well. This trip form the Bystrak clan was the most fun one yet. Henry is old enough to communicate with his big boy cousin, so they had a great time. Can't wait until we can go down to San Diego to visit them.
 We are so excited for them to live on the West Coast.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Potty Trained Big Boy

The scowl is because he wants to take the picture, but I love this picture. He is growing up so fast.  Just two months after his second birthday he is officially potty trained. No accidents in 2 weeks. We are so proud of him. He woke up one moring and decided he wanted to go "pee pee on the potty" and we haven't stopeed since. He walks around in his underwear a lot these days. He loves to wear his rain boots, because he can put them on himself.