Sunday, April 20, 2014


Setting up the tripod for the family photo

Love these brothers

We went to church with Nana and Poppy, had brunch at our house, and then went across the street for an Easter egg hunt with our buddy Liam. Henry made out like a bandit with lots of candy (ugh..) and dimes. Thayer unfortunately missed most of the beautiful Easter Sunday as he was sleeping. There is always next year.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thayer is 7 months

Thayer is seriously the sweetest baby! He goes with the flow and smiles most of the time. He is starting to move. He isn't "crawling" yet, but he will scoot and roll himself across the room. He eats A LOT! We are just starting to introduce finger foods, but he loves his purees =). He isn't quite as big as brother was, but is already in 12-18 mo clothing, so he certainly isn't a small boy. He loves just about everything. Especially his big brother. We love him to pieces.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Henry's first big race

We held hands while we ran. I have to take advantage of him wanting to hold my hand while I can :).

Bill signed me up for Bridge to Brews for a Christmas present (since we all know how much I love fun races). He also signed Henry up for the kids half miler. We had a great time. Henry and I ran the 1/2 miler and then the boys decided they might as well run my 10K with me. Henry hopped in the stroller and off we went. Can't wait to do more fun stuff like this as my boys grow up. I wholeheartedly cherish these moments.